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The Klyde Saga continues...Part 6

Later, the idea was put forward to run Klyde on the university web site on the alumni page. This required Wes to draw the strip and sent it by mail to Jim Cieplak, a highly over-worked alumnus who then would clean the piece for computer transmission and post it on the web site. Again, the delay was often several weeks, and the timely nature of the cartoon was lost, so the strip was discontinued. Finally, in the summer of 1998, Wes’ sixth book, which was on Great Lakes lighthouses, hit the market and turned a terrific profit. With that he went out and purchased the state-of-the-art computer hardware which allowed him to scan and clean the cartoons himself thus paving the way for posting the strip in a timely manner. With the idea of returning the cartoon to the web site, Wes approached the alumni relations webmaster. Several weeks later Wes was informed that the alumni “council”, a university selected puppet group, had decided that Klyde Morris was too, “...negative... and did not represent the alumni as a whole...” and thus they had decided that it would not be allowed to appear on the university web site.

Like all self-important blow-hards who have tried to smite the little ant, these idiots drew exactly the opposite reaction from that which they had intended. You see, Wes had only been “partially motivated” to re-start the strip prior to the “council” decision. Now they had gone and pissed him off- so he elected to return Klyde Morris at full strength in a forum that such self-important blow-hards could neither control nor stop- and he assured his readers that all of the blow-hards are not going to like it, they are not going to like it A LOT! Thus, on the fifteenth day of March, 1999, Klyde Morris came to the Internet at www.klydemorris.com with no editors, no administrators, no strings and only Wes in control.

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